Cancel Me, Daddy!
A non-profit Batfam zine celebrating the dark & problematic.
The Cancel Me, Daddy! is a Batfamily zine celebrating “problematic” content. The aim of this zine is to explore and celebrate dark themes while reinforcing the integrity of darkfic.
It is incredibly important to the zine organizers that Cancel Me, Daddy! supports and uplifts marginalized groups. Content that is bigoted or in poor taste will not be accepted for the zine.
The proceeds of this zine will be donated Thorn, an international anti-human trafficking organization that works to address the sexual exploitation of children..
Cancel Me, Daddy! will be a NSFW zine, and will include explicit content not suitable for minors. By nature, some content may be confronting, and warnings will be provided in the zine for readers. Readers are expected to exercise discretion.
To read more about the zine, please visit the link below.